Each time I post a photo of my master bedroom on Instagram I receive a flood of DM's with questions about my Hermes blanket so today I thought I would list all the answers here in a blog post.
Is your blanket authentic?
Where did you purchase your blanket?
My blanket was purchased directly from the Melbourne Collins Street store in person.
Should I purchase from Hermes Australia or will I get a better deal overseas?
This really depends on the Australian dollar. When we purchased ours we had just returned from a trip to America. After returning we had realised it would have been cheaper to purchased the blanket while travelling. Now that the Australian dollar isn't as good I feel there wouldn't be much of a saving.
Is the blanket worth the amount you paid for it?
10 years ago Hermes Avalon blankets were almost half the price they are now. At the time it was still a lot of money and yes if I had my time over again I would invest my money in my blanket.
Recently I was watching an episode of Sex and the City from 2001 where Samantha walked past a store front which had a Hermes Birkin bag in the window. She enquired and the bag was priced at $4,000. Now in 2019 this bag would be priced anywhere from $15,000-$100,000 depending on the leather it has been made from. It seems purchasing anything Hermes will not only increase in value but be highly sort after in years to come.
Is the blanket good quality and thick?
Yes our blanket is thick and well made. The quality and make is exactly what I would expect for the amount we paid for it. It's made from 90% merino wool and 10% cashmere.
Are there any negatives?
Unfortunately yes. For the first year our blanket was placed on display over the back of a wingback chair and was only to be looked at. No one was to ever touch it as it was just way too special. During this time a moth had taken to my beautiful blanket and eaten holes in it. Strange as we never have moths in our house. At the time I took it back to Hermes as I thought there had to be something wrong with the blanket. They deemed it as a problem they would not take responsibility for and I was left with a damaged blanket. Since this has happened I have heard of two other cases where customers here in Melbourne who purchased their blankets from the Collins Street store also had the same problem with moths eating holes in their blankets. I'm not sure if this is a coincidence or just unfortunate circumstances however if you have your own blanket keep checking it over time.

Why did you select the colour grey?
Originally I wanted the tan brown colour however the store didn't have it in stock. Instead I was to choose between a light honey colour or the dark grey. I selected the grey as it suited the decor of our house more than the honey.
Does the blanket come in different sizes and if so which size is yours?
The Hermes Avalon only comes in two sizes. Large: 135 x 170cm and baby: 100 x 140cm. I would recommend purchasing the large unless you are using it in a nursery or child's room.
Do you know where I can purchase a replica Hermes blanket?
I'm sorry I do not know where to purchase replica designer items. I would warn my followers when purchasing replica items it is highly unlikely you will receive a blanket which looks like the real deal. I have seen on social media many accounts whom post photos of their Hermes blankets and it is quite obvious they have purchased a replica due to the look and quality.
Why do you let your cat sleep on it?
Head back to question 6 where I talk about the negatives of the Hermes blanket. Unfortunately due to the fact a moth ate holes in our blanket we now use it daily on our bed. This then means the cat sleeps on it. What a spoilt cat!
TIP: Do your research before purchasing.
New authentic Hermes blankets can only be purchased directly from an authentic Hermes store. There are reputable places selling second hand blankets however it is difficult sometimes to note whether the blanket is authentic or not. If you are looking to invest all that money towards your own Hermes blanket I would recommend purchasing only from hermes.com.
*Please if you have your own question about the Hermes Avalon blanket that I may not have listed above send me a DM on Instagram or click the 'Contact' tab here on my website.
*This is not a paid advertisement.